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Conference.23 Aug 2023, 19:00 - 20:00 CET

Enhancing WASH resilience for service sustainability in LAC

This session will present the work undertaken by SIWI/IADB to develop a Regional Public Good on “Enhancing WASH resilience after COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)”, which has become increasingly relevant given the greater frequency and intensity of natural disasters and the higher prevalence of water-related shocks and stresses (floods, droughts, etc.).

With this project we expect to support the development of sector policies, plans and/or programmes, with the objective of not only contributing to the achievement of SDG 6, but also enhancing WASH service sustainability and minimising the effects of shocks (usually of an unpredictable nature) and stresses (long-term disturbances).

Besides introducing the concept of WASH resilience, we will engage in an enlightening discussion about practical ways to enhance WASH resilience across different areas (ecosystems, infrastructure, communities and governance), phases of a crisis (prevention, protection, response and recovery), and for different sector stakeholders.

This session welcomes the participation of national and local level stakeholders, including governments, service providers, regulators, and users, as well as academia and the private sector, as they are key contributors to the development and implementation of actions to maintain and improve WASH resilience.

More information about this session

23 Aug 2023, 19:00 - 20:00 CET

More events on World Water Week 2023

This is an archived version of the SIWI website, preserved to showcase how it previously appeared.
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