Mapping and protection of groundwater – experiences and ways ahead
Join us in this hybrid seminar where stakeholders from Swedish and Danish government agencies and academia will present the latest in the field on groundwater mapping and protection.
Groundwater is the world’s most abundant freshwater resource and provides nearly half of the world’s population with drinking water. It is also used for irrigation and in industrial processes, and stabilizes soil in urban areas. In Sweden, about half of the water supply is based on groundwater, and in Denmark nearly 100 per cent is based on groundwater.
To ensure that groundwater is used in a sustainable manner, it is necessary to map, monitor and protect groundwater aquifers. Denmark initiated a national groundwater mapping programme in 1998 with the aim to map the location of the Danish aquifers, the extent of their distribution and interconnection, as well as to identify particularly vulnerable areas to safeguard sufficient supplies of clean groundwater.
This unique mapping programme led to the development of novel methodologies and techniques for efficient mapping of high resolution of large areas. The large round of investigations was concluded in 2015 but extensions are on-going. Sweden has applied the developed approach to aquifer mapping in selected parts of the country, with adaptations for Swedish conditions, and the concept can also be applied in other parts of the world.
The SWH Multi Stakeholder Group on Groundwater invites you to this open, hybrid seminar. Stakeholders from Swedish and Danish government agencies and academia will present the latest in the field on groundwater mapping, share good examples and discuss ways ahead for gathering the information required for a long-term sustainable management of the groundwater resources.
Practical information
- The event is free of charge. Lunch will be provided for on-site participants in Lund, Sweden.
- Registration for onsite participation is open until 12 November. All cancellations must go through no later than 12 November.
- Registration for online participation is open until the event starts, no cancellation needed.
10:00-12:10 Presentations:
- Welcome and intro about the Multi Stakeholder Group on Groundwater – Malin Wennerholm, SIWI Swedish Water House
- Introduction about the importance of groundwater as a resource – Torleif Dahlin, LTH/Lund University
- Overview of the background and implementation of the national groundwater mapping of Denmark – Frederikke Storm Hansen, Miljøministeriet Danmark
(Short break)
- Developments after the completion of the national groundwater mapping – Esben Auken, Aarhus Geoinstruments/Aarhus University
- Overview of groundwater mapping with SkyTEM and other methods in Sweden – Peter Dahlqvist, SGU (Geological Survey of Sweden)
- Combined DCIP-MRS for mapping hydraulic properties of the ground – Tina Martin, Lund University
12:15-13:15 Lunch (For onsite participants only)
13:00-14:00 Open discussion on needs and ways ahead
Lecture room M:D, M-huset, LTH/Lunds universitet, Ole Römers väg 1, Lund