Water for Climate Pavilion – Inaugural Ceremony
The Water for Climate Pavilion officially opens.

Watch live on SIWI’s Youtube channel
Welcome -Thomas Rebermark, Director, Swedish Water House, SIWI
Indigenous blessing for the keeping of the waters: Great Grandmother Mary Lyons, Ojibwe Elder
Keynote Addresses:
- HE Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan | Inspiring through the Water Action Decade
- H.R.H. Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Climate Envoy for the Netherlands | Generating momentum across global processes
- HE Nataša Pirc Musar, President of Slovenia | Water for Climate, Water for Peace
- HE Hani Sewilam, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt | Building on outcomes of COP27
- Shahbano Tirmizi, UAE Climate Change Special Envoy Office | Ambitious Water Action for COP28 and beyond
Panel Discussion with the Global Commission on the Economics of Water
- Engage in a discussion on the complex interactions between water, finance, food, trade and climate
- Johan Rockström, Potsdam Institute
- Elizabeth Wathuti, Kenyan Youth Climate Activist
- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, DG of the WTO
Moderator: Henk Ovink, GCEW Commissioner
Presentation of the Thematic Curators and their key messages Days 1-4: Highlight themes, key sessions, speakers
- Louise Ellis, ARUP | Knowledge, Innovation and Technology
- Tove Lexen, WaterAid | Watering the NDCs and NAPs
- Jose Gesti, Sanitation & Water for All | Global Goal on Adaptation
- Emrah Engindeniz, UN Habitat/GWOPA | Locally Led Adaptation
Presentation of the Thematic Curators and their key messages Days 5-9: Highlight themes, key sessions, speakers
- Ivan Sjögren, SIWI | Peace, Security, Health
- Tony Wong, Australia Water Partnership | Scaling up: Systems approaches
- Austin Alexander, Xylem (on line) | Water for Net Zero
- FAO | Food, Agriculture, Water
- Alex Simalabwi, GWP | Climate Finance
More events on SIWI @COP28
Water for Climate Pavilion
Check out the full schedule of sessions and discussions at the Water for Climate Pavilion, led by SIWI, in partnership with 60+ organizations.
See the event schedule