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Conference.12 Jul 2023, 13:15 EST

Fostering Transboundary Water Cooperation: Unlocking Multifaceted Benefits for Sustainable Development and Peace

This side event build on the UN Water Conference’s Interactive Dialogue 4 “Water for Cooperation”. We will delve into the tangible and intangible benefits derived from transboundary water cooperation and the significant costs incurred when countries do not cooperate in this critical realm.

Transboundary water cooperation acts as a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity. The equitable and sustainable management of shared water resources is key to prevent conflicts, ensure peaceful relations among countries, and foster cooperation beyond water.

However, only 24 countries – over the 153 sharing transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers – have all their transboundary basin area covered by operational arrangements for water cooperation. Increasing water demand, coupled with climate change impacts and ecosystem degradation make it imperative to accelerate cooperation on transboundary waters.

The side event will showcase how a benefit sharing approach can help overcome political and technical challenges and accelerate progress across many SDGs, not only Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation, but also Goals 7 on affordable and clean energy, 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, and 11 on sustainable cities and communities.


  • Opening Remarks:
    H.E.Christian Frutiger, Assistant DG, SDC
  • Keynote:
    Speaker to be confirmed
  • Roundtable:
    Speakers to be confirmed
  • Closing remarks:
    Mr Dmitry Mariyasin, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNECE

Attend the event

  • Wednesday 12 July 2023
  • 13:15 – 14:30
  • Conference room A
Water and the 2030 AgendaWater cooperationTransboundary Water CooperationWater and Peace
12 Jul 2023, 13:15 EST
New York (USA)

More events on SIWI at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum

This is an archived version of the SIWI website, preserved to showcase how it previously appeared.
To access the current, live site, please visit