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Mar 16, 2021

Join SIWI for World Water Day 2021

Every year on World Water Day, SIWI announces the recipient of the Stockholm Water Prize. Previous Stockholm Water Prize Laureates have saved lives and ecosystems, some have educated and protected societies, whilst others have completely changed how we see water.

As water grows more scarce we must collaborate and innovate to ensure that no one is left behind – the Prize continues to celebrate individuals and organisations who are fighting this cause. 

22 March | 14.00 CET

The 2021 recipient of the Stockholm Water Prize will be announced on World Water Day via our livestream. Tune in to be among the first to know who this year’s Laureate is.  


What is the value of water? And who decides that value? These are some of the questions SIWI’s Swedish Water House will be addressed in their seminar on World Water Day. The perfect way to kick off World Water Day: join us for a morning of interesting discussions and perspectives on water and its value. Or rather values: economical, social, environmental and philosophical.  Sweden’s Minister for Environment and Climate Per Bolund will be opening the webinar and joining a Q&A.

22 March | 09.00 – 12.00 CET

The webinar will be in Swedish   


 SIWI has had the privilege of contributing to the vital UN World Water Development Report for many years. Last year’s report looked at the complex interlinkages between water and climate while this year’s report will focus on ‘Valuing Water’. Several SIWI staff have contributed to this year’s report – continuing to advocate the importance of good water governance. 

Check for updates 

This is an archived version of the SIWI website, preserved to showcase how it previously appeared.
To access the current, live site, please visit