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News.Aug 21, 2020

New issue of WaterFront out now!

About half of the human population relies on groundwater for drinking water and food production. In a warmer climate, groundwater will be even more crucial to the survival of humans and ecosystems, but this support system is now being jeopardized by reckless over-pumping and pollution.

Learn what’s at stake in the new issue of WaterFront. 

One of the first people to understand the dangers associated with groundwater contamination was Dr John Cherry, who is awarded the Stockholm Water Prize 2020. Meet him on page 4 in an interview where he talks about what must be done to protect groundwater.

On page 14, we learn about how India became the world’s largest groundwater user and what it will take to break today’s unsustainable habits. Good groundwater governance will be fundamental and on page 10, SIWI’s groundwater expert Jenny Grönwall takes a closer look at this topic. On page 12, we explore new research on the complex relationship between trees and groundwater recharge, which brings hope to millions of people.

The recent outbreak of Covid-19 has cast long shadows over the water world. Read more about the impacts on page 3 and in the Last Word on page 17, with perspectives from Dr Sergio Campos of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Read the issue here!

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