New training on gender and sanitation
The GoAL WaSH project in Tajikistan aims to improve the governance and management structures of drinking water supply and sanitation in Chorbog village in Hamadoni district. In September a group of 25 women from the village participated in a Training of Trainers (ToT) on gender, water and sanitation.

The idea with the training was to strengthen the knowledge on effective water use, safe disposal of wastewater and practical application of improved sanitation and hygiene practices. Basic actions were presented on how to improve the sanitary conditions, as well as means that women can apply in their daily household work to improve sanitation. One of the major tasks for the participants was to share their knowledge with other women. Hence, following the ToT, the participants carried out trainings for 10-12 women each; in total more 200 women and 115 schoolchildren benefited from the trainings.
“It was a really interesting experience, during the first day of the training I didn’t think that I could become a trainer myself. The training materials and the way the training was conducted made me realize how the entire village could benefit from improved sanitation, hence I was eager after the training to share my knowledge with other women,”, said Akramova Asalmoh, a 65-year-old woman who participated in the ToT.
Aminova Mastona, a teacher at the local school, described how positive the students were when she told them there would be an open class for them to attend. “As teacher I can say that schoolchildren are prone to risks from unimproved sanitation so such a classes could have a positive impact on their behaviour.”