Water and youth: We need to be at the heart of climate change negotiations
Youth empowerment in water diplomacy
This working paper explores the case for elevating youth engagement in water diplomacy processes as a key aspect of fostering sustainable and long-lasting transboundary water cooperation.
Making waves: Youth engagement in water diplomacy
A driving force towards the climate goals
We, the youth, have unique skills that can improve water governance and climate action. We were born in a digital revolution and have developed distinctive abilities such as to communicate complex challenges in a simple and impactful manner, taking advantage of social platforms like TikTok and Instagram. We have the capacity to mobilize people from around the world for a shared cause. We have the passion, energy and hope to encourage climate action. Furthermore, we strongly believe a better world is possible!
As declared in the Global Youth Statement delivered to the COP27 mandate, youth represent a driving force to support and enhance the development of the water sector, and meet both, development and climate goals. Therefore, we demand an institutionalized, inclusive, meaningful, and collaborative engagement of youth in the water and climate sector.
Water needs to take a central place in climate change negotiations and policy action plans. Youth can certainly support this happening.
About COY
The United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) is the annual event of the Official Youth Constituency of the United Nations on Climate Change (YOUNGO). COY happens before the Conference of Parties (COP), and its purpose is to foster capacity development and policy training for youth engaged in climate action and participating at the COP.
The main outcome of COY is the Youth Statement which gathers the voices and demands of youth and is delivered to the COP mandate to be included in the climate negotiations.
COY 17 took place between 2 – 4 November 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.