2015 Annual Report

2015 – a big year for water decisions
2015 was a year of big decisions. The UN General Assembly decided on 17 Sustainable Development Goals. During the Climate meeting in Paris, 195 countries reached an agreement to cut emissions and shift the world economy away from fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives.
In both the Agenda 2030 and the climate agreement, water is central. In addition to Goal 6, most of the other global goals rely on water for their accomplishment. Without sufficient, clean and well-managed water resources, goals on poverty, hunger, health, energy and environment, to name a few, will not be reached. The same is true for the climate deal; if water is not brought into the equation, mitigation and adaptation efforts will be fruitless. Water is a connector between sectors, as well as a catalyst for change.
This is where SIWI comes in. By influencing decision-makers, advising governments and other stakeholders, and raising capacity in water management at all levels, we hope to contribute to a truly sustainable, water wise world. By connecting policy to practice and the global to the local, and providing arenas where all stakeholders can meet to discuss and agree on concrete action, we make sure it happens.
In this annual report, we offer snapshots of our work in 2015. Enjoy!