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Capacity Development for Water: A step-by-step guide from individual to sector wide capacity development

Person facing the camera wearing white blouse and soft blazer
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Virginia Mariezcurrena
Senior Programme Manager,
Water and Sanitation
Alejandro Jimenez 1
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Alejandro Jiménez, PhD
Water and Sanitation
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Antoine Delepiere
Senior Programme Manager,
Water and Sanitation
Man smiling with a white shirt and rimless glasses
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James Leten
Senior Programme Manager,
Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

This guide forms part of SIWI’s work to offer a range of capacity development tools, services and opportunities to low and middle-income countries around the world. It is also contributing to international agendas of accelerating the implementation of the SDG 6, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk reduction, through capacity development.

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This document is intended to provide water practitioners with a stepwise approach for intervening in capacity development programs. Practitioners are defined as water professionals implementing practical interventions in the sector, as opposed to performing academic or research work. Practitioners may play different roles in different stages of the process described in this guide: such as design the development of the intervention, support certain aspects of it, or facilitate some sections.

This guide is built both from literature review, consultation with experts and experiences on the ground. The design and testing of this guide drew upon specific examples from the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) and the Water Resources Management (WRM) fields.

This is an archived version of the SIWI website, preserved to showcase how it previously appeared.
To access the current, live site, please visit