Design and Accountability for Source-to-Sea Action on Plastic
SIWI implemented the project Design and Accountability for Source-to-Sea Action on Plastic, which focused on supporting local authorities and stakeholders in Hoi An, Viet Nam in developing a five-year environment strategy and strengthening coordination between actors along the plastic waste value chain.

By weaving source-to-sea perspectives and applying the source-to-sea approach to local processes such as environmental and strategic planning, the project created a greater understanding of the necessity and benefits of utilizing a source-to-sea approach in strategy design and its significance in environmental management. It also strengthened the recognition of the need for coordination among government authorities and the cross-sectoral nature of environmental issues.
Collaborative action is necessary to prevent plastic pollution and the source-to-sea approach provides a structured process for engaging a wide range of stakeholders in building a shared understanding of the problem that can be used as a basis for developing an action plan. The innovation of an accountability framework for preventing plastic pollution furthers the source-to-sea approach as a valuable tool in addressing complex issues such as plastic pollution.
Design and Accountability for Source-to-Sea Action on Plastic
Building on experience from other recent source-to-sea projects, the Design and Accountability for Source-to-Sea Action on Plastic project promotes a holistic approach to addressing the problem of plastics polluting our waterways and oceans.
Learn more about the project