Mapping of Integrity and Accountability in Water Activities and Relevant Capacities in the SADC-Region
Improved integrity and accountability in water-sector institutions for public and private governance and economic transactions constitutes an important tool for countries and local governments to achieve poverty reduction and to improve sustainable management of water resources.

The past years have shown some promising signs. Decision-makers, development practitioners and researchers are increasingly focusing attention to improve accountability and integrity mechanisms in water management through various types of anti-corruption measures. Importantly, improved integrity, accountability and the application of anti-corruption measures are fundamental elements in efforts to reduce poverty, and to allocate and distribute water resources and services in fair and efficient ways in line with the principles of Integrated Water resources management (IWRM).
This study maps some of the processes, institutions, organisations, laws, policies and projects active in promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in the water sector of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Specifically, it focuses on the six countries of Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia.
EARLE, A., GOODWELL, L. and MALZBENDER, D. 2008. Mapping of Integrity and Accountability in Water Activities and Relevant Capacities in the SADC-Region. Stockholm: SIWI.