Rainfed systems intensification and scaling of water and soil management
This report provides evidence of action in rainfed agricultural systems for four case studies of scaling best practices in small and medium size farming in India, Central America, Ethiopia and Brazil.

The aim of this report is to provide knowledge for future investments and scaling of sustainable intensification in rainfed production that holds evidence on both yield and income gains, whilst improving field to landscape ecosystem services.
This report include the following studies:
- Introduction to compilation of case studies of rainfed systems intensification (Barron, J., A. Tengberg)
- Scaling water smart agriculture to improve the productivity and resilience of rainfed smallholder production systems in Mesoamerica (Turmel, M-S., Rosenow, K., Schmidt, A., Aburto Sanchez, E. & Hicks, P.)
- Scaling-up agriculture water management interventions for building system resilience in Bundelkhand region of Central India (Garg, K.K., Anantha, K.H., Barron, J., Singh, R., Dev, I., Dixit, S. & Whitbread, A.M.)
- Sustainable land management with conservation agriculture for rainfed production: The case of Paraná III watershed (Itaipu dam) in Brazil (Mello, I., Roloff, G., Laurent, F., Gonzalez, E. & Kassam, A.)
- Scaling-up of agriculture water management interventions in Ethiopian highlands: Status, issues and opportunities (Mezegebu, G. D., Anantha, K.H., Garg, K.K. & Amede, T.
This report was developed under grant agreement with FAO. Additional support was provided by the Department of Soil and Environment of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). And co-edited by Anna Tengberg of SIWI.