The Water Governance Facility (WGF), the long-standing collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) has been in operation for ten years.
The Facility is a knowledge and operations hub for water governance that collaborates with UNDP and other UN agencies and partners to support governance reform and improved water resources and related services management in low- and middle income countries.
Regardless of development level, effective governance of water resources and related services is of critical importance to sustainable human development and to safeguard peoples livelihoods and living environments. The WGF is here to provide knowledge and tools, and to share experiences for more transparent, accountable and participatory water governance so that water is used and managed in a more efficient, equitable and environmentally sustainable manner.
This brochure has been developed to share our perspective on the water governance agenda, and explain its importance for sustaining services and investments as well as to foster integrity in the use and allocation of resources.
How to cite: KJELLÉN, M., TROPP, H. & JIMÉNEZ, A. 2015. Water governance in perspective – Water Governance Facility 10 years 2005-2015. Stockholm, SIWI.