Water integrity in the Middle East and North Africa region

This report was completed as part of the Regional Capacity Building Programme on Water Integrity for the MENA region, a multi-year project supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI (WGF) in collaboration with Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med), and International Union for Conservation of Nature – Regional Office of Western Asia (IUCN ROWA). Each of the national risk assessments that are synthesized in this report were produced by American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Al-Quds University, Palestine; Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan; CERTE-Centre for Water Research and Technologies, Tunisia; and Al Akhawayn University, Morocco. The contents of this report and its recommendations do not necessarily reflect the positions of Sida, the government of Sweden and the national project partner institutions.