Martina Klimes, PhD
Currently on parental leave.
Dr Martina Klimes is Advisor for Water and Peace at SIWI and a member of the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) of the World Water Week. She has over 15 years of experience working with dialogue facilitation, conflict resolution, political and security analysis, including practical work in the field and informal diplomacy processes.
Her main focus is on water diplomacy and water cooperation, climate and security, dialogue facilitation, incentives, and third-party involvement in negotiation processes. Martina’s book Using Carrots to Bring Peace? Negotiation and Third Party Involvement (World Scientific, 2016) focuses primarily on the effectiveness of aid conditionality and other external tools that third parties – from states and regional organizations to NGOs – bring to the table in peace negotiations.
She holds a PhD degree in International Relations. Martina is a co-editor of forthcoming Routledge Water Diplomacy Handbook (2024) & she represents SIWI in the Stockholm Hub.