Veronica Guzman
Prior to joining SIWI, she worked at Global Water Partnership South America developing, managing, and monitoring projects related to climate change, SDG 6.5, IWRM plans, gender and water, water footprint, among others.
She has supported the coordination and advisory of UNDP-GEF transboundary IWRM projects. She has also developed consultancies for different NGOs and public institutions in Ecuador related to the analysis of different environmental and sustainable development issues, mainly focused on water resources management from the local community level to the transboundary level and on environmental management of hydroelectric projects.
Veronica holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador), a M.S. in Environmental Systems Engineering from University College London and a Master in Project Management from Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador). She speaks Spanish and English.