At Heatherland High School there is one outside tap that is big problem. This tap is contsantly being used by our learners during the school day.Unfortunatly many leaners are not aware of water conservation. We have seen how many learner drink water from the tap and just walk away without closing it, expecting the next person to do it.
This lead to hundreds of litres of water being wasted by one leaking tap. Our aim for this project is to invent a device that would be attached to the tap, that would help to save the vast amount of water that is wasted by our learners everyday. By doing this we will help the school save water, but it will also help minimise the school’s municipal bill.
This is how I came up with the idea for this project:Unam and Faith realized that vast amounts of water was being wasted through drinking water and washing of hands. Then they both came to together to find a solution to this problem. The project was a result of water awareness campaigns which was done at their school.
The Drop SaverThe goal of the project is to minimize water consumption and to educate learners about importance of water conservation. This project is for botht is for both Unam Halam and Faith Claasen. zwai.mh@gmail.com faithclaasen@gmail.com

The Drop Saver The aim of the project is to invent a device that would be attached to the tap, that will be able to help save vast amounts of water.