The Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI, is an independent, not-for-profit foundation, which seeks to strengthen the governance of fresh water globally, regionally, nationally, and locally. It is governed by a board combining experience from the public and private sector.
The origins of SIWI date back to 1991, when the City of Stockholm organized a public water festival. As part of the festivities a scientific symposium was held which has over the years evolved into what we today know as World Water Week. The Stockholm Water Prize was also instituted to award water-related achievements. The Stockholm Water Foundation (SWF) was formed to govern the Stockholm Water Prize and there is also a Foundation for the Benefit of SWF and World Water Week.
Emerging from these institutions, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) was established in 1997 and has been progressively expanding ever since. Currently, SIWI operates globally in various water-related areas. Located in Stockholm, Sweden, it is directed by the Executive Management Team, which is overseen by an Executive Director who reports to the board. The organization includes multiple departments, each headed by a director, and collectively, they comprise the Senior Management Team.
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Our team
The Board
The Stockholm Water Foundation (SWF) and Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) Board are elected annually and has ten board members, plus two co-opted members.

Co-opted Board Members

Senior Management Team
The Senior Management Team (SMT) consist of directors for all departments and central functions, under the leadership of the Executive Director.
Executive Director
Daily operations at SIWI are led by the Executive Director, who reports to the Board.
SIWI staff members come from more than 15 countries, with a wide diversity of backgrounds. Each of us provides deep expertise on water management, environmental science, strategy or technical support.