The water crisis is a growing challenge
The world is facing a growing water crisis that is inextricably linked to all of humanity's most pressing challenges. But we can solve it by changing how we manage water – and in the process get the keys to addressing climate change, poverty, loss of nature and other important issues. Learn more about the role of water for everything and everyone.

Why water is so important
Water is changing and this changes everything. Growing water scarcity and increasingly unpredictable rainfall are making life much more difficult in many parts of the world, especially in low-income countries. But improved water governance can reduce poverty and inequality.
Why water is importantSIWI's approach on water
SIWI offers expertise on an unusually broad range of water-related topics, from agriculture to cities and water diplomacy. But our focus is always the same – to build stronger societies by improving water governance.
Learn more about our work