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Faith-based organizations often have a strong spiritual relationship with water that can inspire both important conversations  and behavioural change. 

Hands receiving dripping water from a tap, with rays of sunshine in the backgorund
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The Water and Faith cluster group has attracted great attention from Sida, UNEP and the World Bank as an innovative way to address social norms and values. The unique collaboration has been hailed as a new way to encourage behavioural change and has resulted in the international web-based course People and Planet.   

Within the Water and Faith frameworks operates both an international network and a group based in Sweden. The international network has issued the strong Interfaith Statement. The statement calls for joint actions to foster awareness and work for a change of attitude to achieve a sustainable and just management of our water sources and the entire ecological system.  

Active participants in the Swedish based Cluster Group on Water and Faith are individuals from organizations such as:

  • The Church of Sweden (which is co-chair)
  • The Swedish Mission Council
  • The Swedish Buddhist Community, Buddhas Light International Association (BLIA)
  • Caritas Sweden,
  • Brahma Kumaris,
  • Yeshe Norbu
  • International Aid Services (IAS)
  • Uniting Church in Sweden
  • Ageravolontärerna (Network for Act volunteers in Church of Sweden Youth and Act Church of Sweden)
  • The Jewish congregation
  • WWF
  • Sensus