Road to UN Water Conference Network event
17 November 2022
Pillar Four of the Network’s Global Strategy aims to ‘contribute to elevating dialogue, knowledge, and experience around the intersecting themes of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network (i.e., women, water, peace and security) as part of basin wide, regional, and global dialogue processes,’ and specifically identifies the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023 as a strategic and prioritized milestone for collective Network engagement to tangibly impact the trajectory of water and peace related discourse in the transboundary basins globally.
As many of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network Members and supporters serve as formal decision makers, as well as leading academics and civil society leaders in their countries, some Network Members may find opportunity to participate at the UN Water Conference in their professional capacities. In order to enable participation in the March 2023 UN Water Conference and the related side events expected, the Women in Water Diplomacy Network convened an informal online Q&A for Network Members to gain insights into the developing programme of the UN Water Conference and learn more about engagement opportunities and ask questions about the accreditation process. This event featured key insights from SIWI’s Josh Newton and Ambassador Tanja Miškova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia.
About the Network
The Women in Water Diplomacy and Water Management promotes promotes women water professionals’ participation in decision-making in the water sector and gender mainstreaming in water governance, in the Nile region and Central Asia and Afghanistan.
The last deadline for accreditation is December 2, 2022.
List of currently accredited organizations
The accreditation process details and core information links for the UN Water Conference can be found in at the UN 2023 Water Conference website
It is essential that the global water community takes critical steps now to ensure accreditation of women water experts and decision makers at the UN Water Conference.
For a recording of the information aspects of this program, please contact Elizabeth A Koch of the Network Process Support Team.
Women session at the COP27 entitled “Empowered Climate Resilience: Women as change-makers for sensitive climate action
16 November 2022
SIWI and the Women in Water Diplomacy Network partnered with GIZ, SuSanA, WaterAid, Environmental Law Institute (ELI), Forest Trends, African Women Sanitation Professionals Network, Greening Mua Environmental Initiative, RAWSA, GWP Central America, WASHfin, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to host a session at the COP 27 entitled: “Empowered Climate Resilience: Women as change-makers for water-sensitive climate action”.

The session explored how women engaging in resilience strategies, adaptation as well as mitigation activities across sectors provides broader benefits to communities. It reflected the insights gained from the practice and policy of water resilience and drew a diverse picture of female engagement and gender equality. By providing concrete examples and lessons learnt from Latin America, Africa and Asia and from different sectors, the speakers (including Julienne Ndjiki, SIWI and Dr Zodwa Dlamini, member of the Women in Water Diplomacy Leadership Council) discussed the merits of and need for including women more actively in water-related climate adaptation and mitigation to make policies and activities more effective and enable true resilience.
The session aimed at centering gender equality and enhancing engagement on the application of an intersectional gender lens in water-related climate adaptation and mitigation policies and activities to enable inclusive resilience. The session was well attended both online and onsite by Network Members and Supporters.
Women in Water Diplomacy and Women in Water Community: Learn & Share Community Online Event
25 October 2022
Tais Reznikova and Dr Muna Mohammed Musnad, members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Global Network, contributed to Pillar 2 of the Global Strategy (peer-to-peer learning) through sharing their experiences as part guest speakers in a knowledge exchange event organised together with the Community of Women in Water (CWiW).
The event provided an interactive Learn and Share opportunity about climate change and transboundary water on the topic: “Factoring Climate Change in Transboundary Water Cooperation.”