Since the last issue of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network Newsletter, Nile Network members have been hard at work advancing Network objectives in diverse engagement tracks. Here are some examples!
13th Ordinary Session of the Executive Committee of African Ministers’ Council on Water
Network members participated in the 13th Ordinary Session of the Executive Committee of African Ministers’ Council on Water – From 10 to 13 October 2022, Dr Adanech Yared, Bogadi Mathangwane, Gladys Wekesa, Maria Amakali and Dr. Tahani Sileet participated in the 13th Ordinary Session of the Executive Committee (EXCO) of African Ministers’ Council On Water (AMCOW) that was hosted by the Republic of Namibia in Windhoek, where the AMCOW’s 2022-2023 programmes and budgets, reports and technical papers have been received and considered for decision making and approval.
In addition, Dr. Adanech Yared (TAC, Ethiopia) and Vice-Chair for Eastern Africa Sub-region presented a Sub-regional report. The event was a great opportunity for the Women in Water Diplomacy Team Members’ reunion and to advertise/advocate the networking of the Global network forum for different participants.
About the Network
The Women in Water Diplomacy and Water Management promotes promotes women water professionals’ participation in decision-making in the water sector and gender mainstreaming in water governance, inthe Nile region and Central Asia and Afghanistan.

Cairo Water Week
Network members participated in the 2022 Cairo Water Week – The Central Department of External Cooperation, including Network members Dr Tahani Sileet, Eng. Samaa El Baroudy, Marwa Khattab Abbas and Enas Ahmed, participated in several sessions at the fifth Cairo Water Week.
These included:
- the fourth meeting of the High-level Technical Committee for Water and Agriculture of the League of Arab States (18 October) to discuss the guiding principles for water allocation in the agricultural sector;
- the High-Level Conference on Water Finance and Investment, co-organised by the European Union (EU) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources (17-18 October) to support progress towards achieving water security in the Mediterranean by providing a high-visibility platform for policymakers and stakeholders to discuss how to further improve climate resilient water finance and investment policies in Mediterranean countries, with due attention to addressing gender inequalities, engaging youth and promoting job creation;
- the session entitled ‘Empowering Women in Water Diplomacy in MENA: Moving into Action’ (18 October), co-organised by GWP-Med & Geneva Water Hub with the aim of sharing the latest developments of the Initiative, including testimonies from those involved in the experiential learning process.

9th World Water Forum
The 9th World Water Forum, held in Dakar (Senegal) from 21-26 March 2022, provided the first opportunity for Theresa Wasike and Gladys Wekesa (members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network) and Meerim Seidakmatova and Lyazzat Syrlbayeva (members of the Women in Water Management Network in Central Asia & Afghanistan) to meet in-person.
In their respective capacities as representatives from their line ministries, they shared their knowledge and vast experience on transboundary cooperation and elevated women’s voices in water decision making processes at the Forum.

2022 IHE Delft convened Water and Peace Seminar
Members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network in the Nile including, Nompumelelo Ntshalintshali, Yodit Blacha and Elizabeth A. Koch were invited as guest speakers to the 2022 IHE Delft convened Water and Peace Seminar in the Hague and online on 8 – 9 March 2022. There, they emphasized the role of networking in trust building and conflict resolution processes.

Ethiopian Women in Water and Climate Association
In early 2022, Women in Water Diplomacy Network members Yodit Balcha and Dr Adanech Yared, together with their colleague Bezawit Adane, launched the new Ethiopian Women in Water and Climate Association (EWWCA). While working at a senior advisory level at the Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Energy, Dr. Adanech, Bezawit Adane, and Yodit Balcha identified that discussions on water and climate issues are largely male dominated, often failing to include women.
Drawing on their experience as active members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network, they established the Association with a shared vision of empowering women to drive the transformation of the water and climate sector at the national level in Ethiopia. EWWCA aims to empower women, create networking opportunities, and increase women’s participation, leadership, and visibility in the sector. The Association believes that creating a platform to share ideas, exchange experiences, build capacity, and network will empower and encourage women, thereby ultimately contributing to gender equality and diversity in Ethiopia’s water sector.
For more information on the EWWCA please follow their important work on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook or reach out at Info.ewwca@gmail.com